
The command line manager for handling a cjdns installation

Project maintained by alebcay Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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CAUTION: You should always review any code that you're asked to execute from curl - in this case however, the code is the program itself - just look at the repository, if you're skeptical.

curl -LOks https://github.com/alebcay/cjdmanage/raw/master/cjdmanage && chmod +x ./cjdmanage && ./cjdmanage deployfinish


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cjdmanage is a command line manager for managing cjdns (Caleb James DeLisle's Network Suite). If you know how to use apt on a *nix system, then you already have the basics of cjdmanage set out for you.


Syntax and Usage


cjdmanage is written as a Bash shell script. Therefore, no compilation is necessary.

One Line Install Method

See the top of the page.

With Git

$ git clone https://github.com/alebcay/cjdmanage.git
$ cd cjdmanage
$ chmod +x ./cjdmanage

Note: You still need to find peers on Hyperboria or elsewhere in order to get off the ground. cjdmanage (and all the money in the world) can't buy you friends.

Without fussing with the doggone command line

  1. Download the archive of the latest version:
  2. Extract contents to a convenient location. cjdns will be installed into a subdirectory of this location, so choose wisely.
  3. Enter the subdirectory cjdmanage-master (you can actually rename that to whatever you want).
  4. Give execute permissions to the file cjdmanage.
  5. In the end, you still need the command line. Maybe that's because it's a command line tool. See "Syntax and Usage" to get started.

Note: You still need to find peers on Hyperboria or elsewhere in order to get off the ground. cjdmanage (and all the money in the world) can't buy you friends.


cjdmanage is a Bash shell script, so just open it in a text editor and make whatever changes you want. Then save it and run it again.


If you care to contribute to cjdmanage, feel free to fork and send pull requests. I'll try my best to review them. If someone would like to make a GUI wrapper for this, I think it would turn out quite nice.


cjdmanage is released under the Affero GPL (AGPL). See the LICENSE file for more information.


v1.03 - Added rebase feature for cjdmanage to self-update, and one-line deploy

v1.02 - Added autoupdate feature

v1.01 - fixed critical bug regarding starting cjdns after a config file is generated

v1.00 - initial release